Wake Up, America

It was amazing that on a rainy morning in November, we actually had our highest turn-out yet since the shut-downs. We moved our meeting to the Chisholm garage to keep dry (leaving the doors open to keep air circulation going). This morning we focused on how as a country we have lost focus on how God is the one in charge - not our political leaders; and as such, it is God whom we should be focusing on with regards to the decisions we make, conversations we have, and where to take our concerns. It was wonderful to welcome back Matthew this morning, and so great that Chris was able to join us for the first time. To have three young men (Cody was there as well) participating in a group like ours brings graces that the young men aren’t even aware of.

Featured Scripture

1 Corinthians 2:6-10

Featured Song

“While You Were Sleeping” by Casting Crowns (Music Video)